It is well known that a finite totally ramified extension of a local field can be defined by infinitely many Eisenstein polynomials. Let $ K$ be a finite extension of $Q_{p}$.\\ First O.Ore in [5] and [6] found some congruencies that must be satisfied by the Eisenstein polynomials of $K[X]$ of degree $p$ defining cyclic extensions. Then M.Krasner in [2], with a different target defined an equivalence relationship between the Eisenstein polynomials defining the same extension of any degree $n$ over $ K$, then proved the existence of a privileged representative of each equivalence class which he called "Reduite". In a previous work in [4, I have considered the normality problem for an Eisenstein polynomials of degree $p$ and of degree $p^{2}$ in the case of the base field is $ K=Q_{p}$, when the residue field is simply $F_{p}$, the finite field of $p$ elements.\\ The aim of the present article is the explicit determination of such characteristically polynomials and their Reduites, in the cyclic case of degree $p$, where the base field is $ K$ a finite extension of $Q_{p}$. Also illustrating examples are given.