It is well known that Boolean algebras can be defined using only the implication and the constant 0. It is, then, natural to ask whether De Morgan algebras can also be characterized using only a binary operation (implication) ¨ and a constant 0. In this paper, we give an affirmative answer to this question by showing that the variety of De Morgan algebras is term-equivalent to a variety of type {¨, 0}. As a natural consequence, we describe Kleene algebras also as a variety using only ¨ and 0. (The afore-mentioned result for Boolean algebras is also deduced.) As a second consequence, we give a simplification of an axiom system of Bernstein (along with a new proof for his system of axioms). We also describe De Morgan algebras in terms of a NAND operation | and the constant 0. Motivated by the the afore-mentioned results, we define, and initiate, the investigation of a new variety I of algebras, called gImplication zroupoidsh (I-zroupoids, for short) and show that I satisfies the identity x0000 ? x00, where x0 := x ¨ 0. Furthermore, we introduce several important subvarieties of I and establish some relationships among them; in particular, we give several characterizations of the subvariety defined by x00 = x. The paper ends with some open problems for further research.