CompConsider a smooth $\omega$--periodic differential system in ${\bf R} \times {\bf R}^{n}$, say $S _\omega$, of ordinary differential equations, and let $E$ be an equilibrium for $S _\omega$. Preliminarily it is shown that the total stability of $E$ is equivalent to the existence of a fundamental family of asymptotically stable neighborhoods of $E$. Thus a known theorem of Seibert \cite {S} concerning autonomous systems is extended to periodic systems. Let us assume now the existence of a smooth invariant manifold $\Phi$ in ${\bf R} \times {\bf R}^{n}$, containing ${\bf R} \times \{E\}$, $\omega$--periodic in $t$, and asymptotically stable ``near'' $E$. By using the above extension of Seibert's theorem and some previous results in our paper \cite {SV1}, \cite {SV2}, we prove here that if $E$ is totally stable on $\Phi$ (that is with respect to the solutions lying on $\Phi$), then $E$ is unconditionally totally stable.