The paper deals with the embedding of an ordered semigroup into the translational hull of its ideals which are both dense and weakly reductive. For a semigroup or an ordered semigroup $S$, $\Omega(S)$ denotes the set of (all) bitranslations of $S$. It is well known that if $K$ is a dense ideal of a semigroup $S$ such that $K$ is weakly reductive, then $S$ is isomorphic to a subsemigroup of $\Omega (K)$. In the present paper we generalize this result for ordered semigroups using the concept of pseudoorder --a concept which extends the concept of congruences of semigroups and plays an important role in studying the structure of ordered semigroups. We prove that if $S$ is an ordered semigroup and $K$ a weakly reductive dense ideal of $S$, then $S$ is embedded into the ordered semigroup $\Omega(K)$ of (all) bitranslations of $K$ (and so $S$ is isomorphic to an (ordered) subsemigroup of the translational hull of $K$).