In our previous note, we showed the difference version of Kantorovich type inequality with two positive parameters under the usual order. As a continuation of our preceding note, we shall show the difference type Kantorovich inequalities with two positive parameters under the chaotic order in terms of a two parameters version of the Mond-Shisha difference: Let $A$ and $B$ be positive and invertible operators on a Hilbert space $H$ such that $MI \ge B \ge mI$ for some scalars $00,$ \item[\rm(3)] $A^q + {\frac{p}{q}}{\frac {M^p - m^p}{\log M^p -\log m^p}} \log\left(m^{p-q} {\frac{(h^p-1)h^{\frac{q}{h^p-1}}}{{e}{q} \log h}}\right)I \ge B^p$ \quad \mbox{for all } $p,\ q>0$. \end{list}