In this paper, we continue the study of the concept of $g^{\#}\alpha$-closed sets, $g^{\#}\alpha$-open sets and digital planes \Zpl\ (cf.\ \cite{Devi04}). In 1970, E.D. Khalimsky \cite{K1} introduced the concept of the digital line or so called {\it Khalimsky line} $(\mathbb{Z},\kappa)$. The digital plane \Zpl\ (eg. \cite{KK94}) is the topological product of two copies of $(\mathbb{Z},\kappa)$. A subset $A$ of a topological space $(X,\tau)$ is said to be $g^{\#}\alpha$-closed \cite{Devi04}, if $\alpha Cl(A)\subset U$ whenever $A\subset U$ and $U$ is g-open set of $(X,\tau)$. The complement of a $g^{\#}\alpha$-closed set is said to be a $g^{\#}\alpha$-open set of $(X,\tau)$. The $g^{\#}\alpha$-openness in \Zpl\ is characterized (cf. Theorem~\ref{t100} (ii)): for a subset $B$ with some closed singletons of \Zpl, $B$ is $g^{\#}\alpha$-open in \Zpl\ if and only if $(U(x))_{\kappa^{2}}\subset B$ holds for each closed singleton $\{x\}\subset B$, where $U(x)$ is the smallest open set containing $x$. The family of all $g^{\#}\alpha$-open sets of \Zpl, say $G^{\#}\alpha O$, forms an alternative topology of ${\mathbb{Z}}^{2}$ (cf.\ Theorem A, Corollary B (i)). Let $({\mathbb{Z}}^{2}, G^{\#}\alpha O)$ be a topological space obtained by changing the topology $\kappa^{2}$ of the digital plane \Zpl\ by $G^{\#}\alpha O$. We prove that this plane $({\mathbb{Z}}^{2} , G^{\#}\alpha O)$ is a $T_{1/2}$-space (cf.\ Corollary B (ii) (ii-1), Remark 3.5); moreover it is shown that the plane $({\mathbb{Z}}^{2}, G^{\#}\alpha O)$ is $T_{3/4}$ (cf. Corollary B (ii) (ii-2)). It is well known that the digital plane \Zpl\ is not $T_{1/2}$ even if $(\mathbb{Z}, \kappa)$ is $T_{1/2}$.