Let $D$ be the unit disk $\{z:|z|<1\}$. $f:D\rightarrow \hbox{$\Bbb C$}$, $f(z) = z + a_2z^2+ \dots $ be analytic in $D$. For $-\pi/2 < \alpha < \pi/2$ and $0 \le \lambda <1$, we define $SP(\alpha,\lambda)$ to be the class of $f$ as above such that $\Re [e^{-i\alpha}zf'(z)/f(z)] > \lambda$ for all $z \in D$. Furthermore, let $P_n$ be the class of polynomials $p(z) = z + a_2z^2+ \cdots + a_nz^n = z(1-z/z_1) \cdots (1-z/z_{n-1})$, for $a_k \in \hbox{$\Bbb C$}, k=2,\dots,n$ and $z_k \in {C}$, $k=1, \dots ,n-1$. For $a,b > 0$ we define $S(a,b)$ to be the class of $f$ analytic in $D$ for which $|[zf^{\prime}(z)/f(z)] - a| < b$. Given an $n\ge 2$ and $R>1$, we find $a$ and $b$ in terms of $R$ and $n$ such that if $p\in P_n$ has $|z_k|>R$ for $k=1,\dots ,n$ then $p\in S(a,b)$. The result is sharp. The result implies membership in $SP(\alpha, \lambda) \cap SP(-\alpha, \lambda)$ where $\alpha$ and $\lambda$ also depend on $R$ and $n$. The results improve theorems of T. Ba\c sg\"oze. A physical criterion is given on the set $\{z_k\}$ which implies membership of $p$ in $SP(\alpha,0)$, and the criterion is used to given an example of a $p\in[P_3\cap SP(\alpha)]\setminus SP(-\alpha)$, where $\alpha=0.4$ Connections are made with other classes of univalent functions.