A property $p$ of identities of a fixed type $\tau$ is said to be hereditary if for every set $I$ of identities having the property $p$, every consequence of $I$ (under the usual derivation rules for identities) also has the property. A characteristic algebra for such a hereditary property is an algebra $\cal A$ such that for any variety $V$ of type $\tau$, we have ${\cal A} \in V$ iff every identity satisfied by $V$ has the property $p$. P\l onka has produced minimal characteristic algebras for a number of hereditary properties, including regularity, normality, uniformity, biregularity, outermost, and external-compatibility. We study characteristic algebras for the hereditary property of $k$-normality, for $k \geq 1$, which extends the usual normality property. For type $(2)$ and the usual depth valuation of terms, we produce minimal characteristic algebras for $k=1,2,3$ and $4$. \\