In this paper we shall show: (1) Let $X$ be a zero-dimensional metric space and $Y$ be a $P$-space. If $Y$ has \textit{property} $B(D,\omega)$, then $X \times Y$ has \textit{property} $B(D,\omega)$. \par (2) Let $X$ be a regular $\sigma$-space and $Y$ be a $P$-space. If $Y$ has \textit{property} $B(LF,\omega)$, then $X \times Y$ has \textit{property} $B(LF,\omega)$. \par (3) Let $X$ be a normal strong $\Sigma$-space and $Y$ be a $P$-space. If $Y$ has \textit{property} $B(LF,\omega)$, then $X \times Y$ has \textit{property} $B(LF,\omega)$. \par (4) Let $X$ be a strong $\Sigma$-space and $Y$ be a $P$-space. If $Y$ is weak $\overline{\theta}$-refinable (resp. weak $\overline{\delta\theta}$-refinable), then $X \times Y$ is weak $\overline{\theta}$-refinable. (resp. weak $\overline{\delta\theta}$-refinable).