In this paper we introduce the notion of a super commutative $d$-algebra and we show that if $(X;*)$ is a commutative binary system, then by adjoining an element $0$ and adjusting the multiplication to $x*x = 0$, we obtain a super commutative $d$-algebra, thereby demonstrating that the class of such algebras is very large. We also note that the class of super commutative $d$-algebras is Smarandache disjoint from the class of $BCK$-algebras, once more indicating that the class of $d$-algebras is quite a bit larger than the class of $BCK$-algeras and leaving the problem of finding further classes of $d$-algebras of special types which are Smarandache disjoint from the classes of $BCK$-algebras and super commutative $d$-algebras as an open question. Lastly the idea of a super Smarandache class of algebras is also defined and investigated.