As a generalization of the quasi-arithmetic mean, we consider a mean-like transformation of operator functions. Let $\Phi$ be a unital positive linear map of $B(H)$, the algebra of all bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space $H$, and $f(t)$ (resp. $g(t)$) a continuous function on an interval $[m,M]$ (resp. $f([m,M])$). Then it is defined by $(g \circ \Phi \circ f)(A)$ for a selfadjoint operator $A$ with $m \le A \le M$. We give a lower bound of the difference between $(g \circ \Phi \circ f)(A)$ and $\Phi(A)$. Precisely we prove that if $f(t)$ is concave on $[m,M]$ and $g(t)$ is increasing and convex on $f([m,M])$, then for each $\l \in \R$, $(g \circ \Phi \circ f)(A) - \l \Phi(A) \ge \min_{t \in [m,M]} \left\{ g(\a_ft+\b_f) - \l t \right\}$ where $\a_f:=\frac{f(M)-f(m)}{M-m}$ and $\b_f:=\frac{Mf(m)-mf(M)}{M-m}$. It is an extension of our previous estimation for $\Phi=\omega_x$, the vector state for a unit vector $x \in H$.