Let $\G(M)$ be the set of $S$-subsets of a centered $S$-set $M$ with a zero, where $S$ is a semigroup. In general, minimal $\z$-subsets of an $S$-set $M$ fall into three types, where $\z$ is a conjugate map on $\G(M).$ Now, for the $\z$-core $K_\z$ of a maximal $S$-subset $K$ of an $S$-set $M,$ the $\b{\z}$-socle of $M/K_\z$ consists of the only minimal $\b{\z}$-subset of $M/K_\z$ , where $\b{\z}$ is a conjugate map on $\G(M/K_\z)$ naturally induced by $\z.$ Here we use this fact to introduce the three $\z$-types of maximal $S$-subsets of $M$ and we give a characterization of a maximal $S$-subset of $M$ of $\z$-type $i(i = 1, 2, 3).$ Now, it is known that a finite group $G$ is solvable if and only if every maximal subgroup of $G$ is $c$-normal in $G.$ On the other hand, a concept of a $c_\z$-subset of an $S$-set is analogous to that of a $c$-normal subgroup of a group and here we show that for any maximal $S$-subset $K$ of an $S$-set $M,~K$ is a $c_\z$-subset of $M$ if and only if $K$ is either of $\z$-type 1 or of $\z$-type 2. Continuously, we give some properties about an $S$-set whose maximal $S$-subset is always a $c_\z$-subset.