For an MV-algebra $(A,+,^{*},0)$ we denote by $I(A)$ the set of all ideals of $A$. For $I_1,I_2\in I(A)$ we define $I_1\wedge I_2=I_1\cap I_2$, $I_1\vee I_2=$ the ideal generated by $I_1\cup I_2,$ and for $I\in I(A)$, $I^{*}=\{a\in A:a\wedge x=0$ for every $x\in I\}.$ The aim of this paper is to prove that $(I(A),\vee ,\wedge ,^{*},\{0\},A)$ is a Boolean lattice iff $A$ is a finite Boolean lattice relative to thenatural order on $A$ (Theorem 2.8.)