Let $\{X_t\}$ be a stationary process with zero mean and true spectral density $g(\lambda)$. We assume that all the values $\{X_t\}$ are known, except for the value $X_0$. It is important to interpolate missing value $X_0$ by linear combination of $\{X_t : t \neq 0\}$. In this paper, we consider the misspecified interpolation problems for $\{X_t\}$ under the condition that the true structure $g(\lambda)$ is not completely specified. Next we shall discuss the interpolation problems for square-transformed process, $Y_t=X_t^2$ and Hermite-transformed process, $Y_t=H_q(X_t)$. Moreover, we compare the mean square interpolation error for the respective results. Also, we numerically plot interpolators for missing values, and illuminiate unexpected effects from the misspecification of spectra. Finally, as an example, we conclude the paper with applications to real data.