Let $T $ be a bounded linear operator on a complex Hilbert space with the polar decomposition $ T = U \vert T \vert $. Let $T(t) = \vert T \vert^{t} U \vert T \vert^{1-t} $ for $ 0 < t < 1, T(0) = U^{*}UU \vert T \vert$ and $ T(1) = \vert T \vert U$. $T(t)$ is called Aluthge transform of $T$. In this paper, we investigate spectral relations between $T$ and $T(t)$. For example, we prove that $T$ and $T(t)$ have the same essential spectrum and Weyl spectrum, and prove that Weyl's theorem holds for $T$ if and only if Weyl's theorem holds for $T(t)$.