Let $\r$ and $\s$ be ordinals with the order topologies. It is known from \cite{KTY} that metacompactness, screenability and weak submetaLindel\" ofness are equivalent for every subspace of $\r\times\s$. However there are a metacompact subspace of $(\wone+1)\times(\w_2+1)$ which is not subparacompact, and a subparacompact subspace of $(\w+1)\times(\wone+1)$ which is not paracompact, see \cite{KTY, Example 4.2 and 4.4}. Moreover it is not difficult to show that these examples are not paraLindel\" of. So it is natural to ask whether all paraLindel\" of subspaces of $\r\times\s$ are paracompact for every ordinals $\r$ and $\s$. In this paper, we will see that paraLindel\" of subspaces of $(\rho+1)\times(\wone\cd\w)$ are paracompact for every ordinal $\r$, where $\wone\cd\w$ denotes the ordinal number $\wone+\wone+\cd\cd\cd$($\w$-times), see \cite{Ku, I Definition 7.19}. Moreover we will show that paraLindel\" of subspaces of $(\ro+1)^2$ are paracompact for every ordinal $\r<\wone\cd\wone$. And we will construct a non-paracompact subspace $X$ of $(\wone\cd\wone)\times(\wone\cd\o+1)$ which can be represented as the locally countable union of clopen paracompact subspaces.