Three-person $n$-stage optimal stopping game where players have unequally weighted privilege and their purpose is to maximize their own winning probability (WP) is investigated and an explicit but informal solution is obtained. A distinguishing feature of this game model is the fact that players have their own weights by which at each stage player's desired decision may be taken away by an opponent as an outcome of drawing a lottery. It is shown that even in a game where players are ``dictator'' and ``subject'', there exists an equilibrium strategy-triple by adopting which the ``subject'' improves his disadvantage as $n$ increases. For instance, in the $\left<\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{2}, 0\right>$-weight game 0-weight player gets $1-2\sqrt 2/3 {\fallingdotseq} 0.0572,$ for $n = 3,$ and 0.122, if $n \to \infty.$