Let $X$ be a quasi-inner product space (\cite{sedam}), and $x,y \in X \backslash \{0\}$. We resolve the problem of the relations between the three vectors: so-called $g$-orthogonal projection of the vector $y$ on the subspace $[x]\;\;(-a(x,y)x, {\rm Lemma\;2})$, the best approximation of the vector $y$ with vector from $[x]\;\;(-b(x,y)x, {\rm Lemma\;1})$ and the vector $-\displaystyle\frac{g(x,y)}{\norm{x}\norm^{2}}x$. The equality \[ a(x, y) = b(x, y) = - \frac{g(x,y)}{\norm{x}\norm^{2}} \;, \] \noindent is valid if and only if $X$ is an inner-product space (i.p. space)\footnote{If $X$ is a i.p. space then the vector $-\frac{g(x,y)}{\norm{x}^{2}}x$ is the ortogonal projection of the vector $y$ to the vector $x$.}.