A probabilistic semi-metric space $(S,F)$\ is said to be \textit{\ of class $\mathcal{H}$ \ }([5])\textit{\ } if there exists a metric $d$ on $S$ such that, for $t>0$,\[d(p,q)1-t.\] We will prove that $(S,F)$\textit{\ }is of class $\mathcal{H}$ iff the mapping $\mathbf{K}$, defined on $S\times S$\ \ by $\mathbf{K}\left( p,q\right) =\sup \{t\geq 0\mid t\leq 1-F_{pq}(t)\}$ is a metric on $S$. Two fixed point theorems for multivalued contractions in probabilistic metric spaces \textit{\ }are also proved. Incidentally, the equality of two well-known probabilistic metrics is obtained.