Let $B$ be a Hirata separable and Galois extension of $B^G$ with Galois group $G$ of order $n$ invertible in $B$ for some integer $n$, $C$ the center of $B$, and $V_B(B^G)$ the commutator subring of $B^G$ in $B$. It is shown that there exist subgroups $K$ and $N$ of $G$ such that $K$ is a normal subgroup of $N$ and one of the following three cases holds: (i) $V_B(B^K)$ is a central Galois algebra over $C$ with Galois group $K$, (ii) %the restriction of $N$ to $V_B(B^K)$ is isomorphic to $N$, $V_B(B^K)$ is separable $C$-algebra with an automorphism group induced by and isomorphic with $K$, and (iii) $B^K$ is a central algebra over $V_B(B^K)$ and a Hirata separable Galois extension of $B^N$ with Galois group $N/K$. More characterizations for a central Galois algebra $V_B(B^K)$ are given.