There is a well-known connection between hyperidentities of an algebra and identities satisfied by the clone of the algebra. The clone of an algebra is a heterogeneous algebra, and the correspondence between hyperidentities and clone identities is rather complicated to work with. It is also of interest to study this correspondence in a restricted setting, that of hyperidentities of unary algebras (of arbitrary unary type) and identities in the unary clone of unary term operations. This unary clone is just a monoid, usually called the transition monoid of the unary algebra. This correspondence is an important one in automata theory, since any finite unary algebra ${\cal A}$ can be regarded as an automaton: the set $A$ is regarded as a set of states, with one state chosen as an initial state and a subset of $A$ chosen as the set of final states, and the operations of the algebra regarded as inputs. Then terms and identities over the unary algebra ${\cal A}$ correspond to monoid words from the free monoid generated by the operations of ${\cal A}$. In this paper we study the correspondence between hyperidentities and clone identities in this special case of unary algebras and transition monoids. We also look at generalizations of this approach to algebras of type $(n,n, \ldots)$, and the corresponding $n$-clones, which correspond to tree automata of type $(n,n, \ldots)$.