Let $K$ be a non archimedean algebraically closed field of characteristic $\pi$, complete for its ultrametric absolute value. In a recent paper by Escassut and Yang (\cite{EY6}) polynomial decompositions $P(f)=Q(g)$ for meromorphic functions $f$, $g$ on $K$ (resp. in a disk $d(0, r^-)\subset K$) have been considered, and for a class of polynomials $P$, $Q$, estimates for the Nevanlinna function $T(\rho,f)$ have been derived.\\ In the present paper we consider as a generalization rational decompositions of meromorphic functions, i.e., we discuss properties of solutions $f$, $g$ of the functional equation $P(f)=Q(g)$, where $P, \;Q$ are in $K(x)$ and satisfy a certain condition (M). We infer that in the case, where $f$, $g$ are analytic functions, the Second Nevanlinna Theorem yields an analogue result as in the mentioned paper \cite{EY6}. However, if they are meromorphic, non trivial estimates for $T(\rho,f)$ are more sophisticated.