Recently, Furuta has shown several inequalities with forms of grand Furuta inequality and clarified difference between chaotic order and usual order of positive operators. Here the chaotic order $A \gg B$ for positive invertible operators $A$ and $B$ is defined by $\log A \ge \log B$. In this note, we present the following inequalities which are based on the Furuta inequality for chaotic order and can be regarded as interpolations of recent Furuta's results. Among others, we obtain the following:\\ Let $A,\ B$ be positive invertible operators satisfying $A \gg B$.\\ {\rm (1)} If $0 \le \delta \le \beta \le p$ and $r \ge 0$, then $$B^{\delta} \ge A^{-r}\ \sharp_{\frac{\delta+r}{\beta+r}}\ B^{\beta} \ge A^{-r}\ \sharp_{\frac{\delta+r}{\beta+r}}\ (A^{-r}\ \sharp_{\frac{\beta+r}{p+r}}\ B^p).$$ {\rm (2)} If $|\delta| \le p \le \beta \le 2p$ and $r \ge t \ge |\delta|$ for some $\delta \in \mathbb{R}$, then\\ $$A^{-t}\ \sharp_{\frac{\delta+t}{p+t}}\ B^p \ge A^{-r}\ \sharp_{\frac{\delta+r}{\beta+r}}\ (A^{-t}\ \natural_{\frac{\beta+t}{p+t}}\ B^p) \ge A^{-r}\ \sharp_{\frac{\delta+r}{\beta+r}}\ B^{\beta}.$$