The paper investigates knowledge discovery based on learning of languages generated by patterns from positive examples. A pattern $p$ is a finite string of constant symbols and variables, and the language defined by $p$ is the set of constant strings obtained from $p$ by substituting nonempty and constant strings for variables. We consider the class ${\PL_*}^k$ of unions of at most $k$ intersections of finitely many pattern languages. It is well known that the class of unions of finitely many pattern languages is not inferable from positive examples. Every intersection of finitely many pattern languages can be represented as a union of pattern languages, but it may be a union of infinitely many ones. The class $\PL_*$ of intersections, however, is shown to have finite thickness. Using the result, we show that the class ${\PL_*}^k$ is refutably inferable from complete examples as well as inferable from positive examples. In order to study efficient learning algorithm, we introduce two kind of syntactic ordered relations for finite sets of {\it regular} patterns, and show that the semantic containment of unions of intersections of regular pattern languages is equivalent to the syntactic containment of some sets of regular patterns. In terms of this result, the class of intersections of regular pattern languages is polynomial time (refutably) inferable from positive (complete) examples, under some assumption.