Uchiyama discussed the Furuta inequality from the viewpoint of the Jensen inequality. Recently Furuta and Kamei improved it as follows: Suppose that $A,B,C > 0$ and $r, s \ge 0$. If $A^t \ll B^t~\nabla_\mu~C^t$ for all $t \ge 0$, then $$ f(t) = A^{-r}~\sharp_{\frac{s+r}{t+r}}~ (B^t ~\nabla_\mu~C^t)$$ is an increasing function of $t \ge s$. On the other hand, if $A^t \ll B^t~!_\mu~C^t$ for all $t \ge 0$, then $$ h(t) = A^{-r}~ \sharp_{\frac{s+r}{t+r}}~(B^t ~!_\mu~C^t)$$ is a decreasing function of $t \ge s$. In this note, we pay our attention to the assumptions in above and point out that the operator function $ F(s)=((1-\mu)A^s + \mu B^s)^{\frac{1}{s}} ~ (s \in \Bbb R)$ for given $A, B > 0$ and $\mu \in [0,1]$ is monotone increasing under the chaotic order $X \gg Y$ defined by $\log X \ge \log Y$ and consequently s-$\lim_{h \rightarrow 0} F(h) = e^{(1-\mu)\log B + \mu \log C}$.This means that we can see another geometric mean $ B~\dia_\mu~ C = e^{(1-\mu)\log B + \mu \log C} $ in the Furuta inequality. Moreover we consider Uchiyama's result in a general setting.