We characterize when the norm of the sum of elements in a Banach space is equal to the sum of their norms and give its applications to unital Banach algebras. Related to a recent result due to Barraa and Boumazgour, we give another equivalent condition of it in terms of linear functional on a unital $C^*$-algebra. Consequently, we have the following result. \par For elements $a$ and $b$ in a unital $C^*$-algebra, the following statements are mutually equivalent: \par (i) $\|a+b\|=\|a\|+\|b\|.$ \par (ii) There exists a norm one linear functional $f$ such that $f(a)=\|a\|$ and $f(b)=\|b\|.$ \par (iii) There exists a state $f$ such that $f(a^*b)=\|a\|\|b\|.$